The System

A system that delivers without compromise

  • Patented
  • EcoBreeze is a highly effective, sustainable air purification and ecofriendly device, allowing tracking of traffic, humidity, and temperature while maintaining privacy of washroom users. The advanced data will help your management teams in several ways from understanding when the peak periods are for cleaning and periods of inactivity to reduce cost in the in your business
  • POWERFUL DATA & CLEANING TEAM ALERTS- EcoBreeze comes with an online portal offering invaluable data for your business without compromising the privacy of your customers. Tracking footfall, Room temperature & Humidity, Location, and Notifications, allow your business to optimise your washrooms and cleaning services to provide the best experience to your customer and reducing costs.

How Ecobreeze works

For a visual representation of the Ecobreeze system please view the product video below.

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